How to Calculate Variance if You Know the Standard Deviation and Mean

Variance and Standard Departure

Variance and Standard Difference are the ii important measurements in statistics. Variance is a measure out of how data points vary from the mean, whereas standard deviation is the measure out of the distribution of statistical information. The bones difference between variance and the standard difference is in their units. The standard deviation is represented in the same units as the mean of information, while the variance is represented in squared units.

Here we aim to understand the definitions of variance and standard difference, their properties, and the differences. Also, let us learn hither more about both their measurements, formulas along with some examples.

1. Variance
two. Standard Divergence
3. Properties of Standard Difference
4. Formula for Variance and Standard Divergence
5. Human relationship Between Variance and Standard Deviation
6. Solved Examples
seven. Practice Questions
8. FAQs on Variance and Standard Divergence


Co-ordinate to layman's words, the variance is a measure out of how far a prepare of data are dispersed out from their hateful or average value. Information technology is denoted as 'σ2'.

Properties of Variance

  • It is e'er non-negative when studied in probability and statistics since each term in the variance sum is squared and therefore the result is either positive or zero.
  • Variance always has squared units. For example, the variance of a set of weights estimated in kilograms will be given in kg squared. Since the population variance is squared, we cannot compare it directly with the hateful or the data themselves.

Standard Deviation

The spread of statistical information is measured by the standard deviation. Distribution measures the deviation of data from its mean or boilerplate position. The degree of dispersion is computed past the method of estimating the departure of data points. You can read almost dispersion in summary statistics. Standard divergence is denoted by the symbol, 'σ'.

Properties of Standard Divergence

  • It describes the square root of the mean of the squares of all values in a data prepare and is likewise chosen the root-mean-square departure.
  • The smallest value of the standard deviation is 0 since it cannot exist negative.
  • When the information values of a grouping are similar, so the standard divergence volition exist very low or close to zero. But when the information values vary with each other, so the standard variation is loftier or far from nix.

Variance and Standard Deviation Formula

Equally discussed, the variance of the data set is the average square altitude between the mean value and each data value. And standard difference defines the spread of data values around the mean.

Variance and standard deviation

The formulas for the variance and the standard deviation for both population and sample data set are given beneath:

Variance Formula:

The population variance formula is given past:

\(\sigma^{2}=\frac{ane}{Due north} \sum_{i=ane}^{N}\left(X_{i}-\mu\right)^{two}\)


σ2 = Population variance

N = Number of observations in population

Xi = ith observation in the population

μ = Population mean

The sample variance formula is given as:

\(s^{2}=\frac{i}{n-i} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(x_{i}-\bar{10}\correct)^{2}\)


s2 = Sample variance

northward = Number of observations in sample

eleven = ith observation in the sample

x̄ = Sample mean

Standard Deviation Formula

The population standard deviation formula is given equally:

\(\sigma=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N}\left(X_{i}-\mu\right)^{two}}\)


σ = Population standard departure

Similarly, the sample standard departure formula is:

\(s=\sqrt{\frac{1}{n-i} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(x_{i}-\bar{x}\right)^{2}}\)


s = Sample standard divergence

Variance and Standard Deviation Relationship

Variance is equal to the average squared deviations from the hateful, while standard deviation is the number's foursquare root. As well, the standard deviation is a square root of variance. Both measures exhibit variability in distribution, but their units vary: Standard deviation is expressed in the same units as the original values, whereas the variance is expressed in squared units.

  • Variance Formula
  • Sample Standard Deviation Formula
  • Mean and Standard Departure Computer
  • What is the relationship between the variance and the standard deviation?

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FAQson Variance and Standard Deviation

What Is the Divergence Between Standard Deviation and Variance?

Variance is the average squared deviations from the mean, while standard departure is the foursquare root of this number. Both measures reflect variability in distribution, just their units differ: Standard difference is expressed in the same units as the original values (due east.grand., minutes or meters).

How Do I Summate the Variance?

The variance tin can be calculated as:

  • Find the mean of the data set. Add together all data values and divide by the sample size n.
  • Observe the squared difference from the mean for each data value. Decrease the mean from each data value and square the result.
  • Find the sum of all the squared differences. ...
  • Summate the variance.

What Is Mean-Variance and Standard Deviation in Statistics?

Variance is the sum of squares of differences between all numbers and means...where μ is Hateful, Northward is the total number of elements or frequency of distribution. Standard Deviation is the foursquare root of variance. It is a measure of the extent to which data varies from the hateful.

Which Is Better Variance or Standard Deviation?

They each accept dissimilar purposes. The SD is normally more useful to describe the variability of the data while the variance is usually much more useful mathematically. For example, the sum of uncorrelated distributions (random variables) too has a variance that is the sum of the variances of those distributions.

Why Practice We Use Standard Difference and Variance?

Standard deviation looks at how spread out a group of numbers is from the mean, by looking at the square root of the variance. The variance measures the average degree to which each point differs from the hateful—the average of all data points.

Why Is Standard Deviation Used Over Variance?

Standard deviation and variance are closely related descriptive statistics, though the standard deviation is more usually used considering it is more intuitive with respect to units of measurement; the variance is reported in the squared values of units of measurement, whereas standard departure is reported in the same units

Why Is Variance Important?

Variance is important for 2 main reasons: For use of Parametric statistical tests, as they are sensitive to variance. The variances of the samples to appraise whether the populations they come from differ from each other.


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